Tips for Dust Storm Driving

A dust storm driving is a situation where you are driving against the thick volume of sand or wind. Typically, a storm is something that comes suddenly of which you cannot see it coming or prepare for it. But one of the disadvantages is that it always block your vision so that you cannot see the road or what is happening ahead of you. Thus why you find that many drivers have caused accidents as a result of the dust storms which has led to the loss of lives as well as property. For that matter, I am going to give you some of the tips that will guide you through a dust storm in case it appears. You'll definitely want to learn more about this.

To start with, it is recommended that you sound your horn to alert your fellow drivers in the event poof a dust storm. As we discussed earlier that dust storm is thick and you cannot see so this is the perfect way of identifying your current position so that other drivers cannot run on you. 

Besides, it is also essential that you pack your car off the road. This is essential because if you continue to drive, you might cause a fatal road accident. It is better to wait for it to pass since it does not take long rather than risking your life.

Additionally, it is also essential that you slow down and turn your lights off. Sincerely speaking you cannot tell me that you can maintain the same speed that you were driving at before yet you cannot even see the road not unless you are tired of living. 

Also, you should not stop your car on the roadway. In the event of a dust storm, you will have two choices of either you keep on driving with precaution or you remove your car from the road. One thing that you should also do is to switch off the headlights as this may confuse the drivers who are approaching and bump on you. Go to this website for more info.

Besides, it is also recommended that you keep some food and water in your car for emergency purposes. One thing that you should know is that dust storms always take a few minutes, but it can as well result in massive road delays.

Last but not least, after the dust storm makes sure that you take precaution when returning to the road. This is because the road might still be slippery and pavement markings such or the indicators may not be visible. Here's what it's like to drive through a dust storm: